Internet merupakan gedung ilmu yang tiada sempadan dan tiada tepinya.Tidak dinafikan lagi penggunaanya memberi banyak faedah kepada pengguna.Namun begitu,internet juga dapat memerangkap minda remaja marcapada ini terpengaruh dengan dunia maya.Unsur-unsur negetif seperti,bahan lucah dan aksi ganas dipaparkan melalui skrin komputer memberi impak negetif yang besar pada anak watan negara ini dan mampu membawa padah.

       Kesan dari penyalahgunaan kemudahan internet pada aset negara ini akan membuat mereka lalai.Minda remaja sudah ketagih dengan unsur-unsur negetif alam maya akan menyebabkan tercetusnya gejala ponteng sekolah.Hal ini berlaku akibat daripada nafsu pelajar yang ingin berseronok di kafe siber dengan menyaksikan aksi lucah,ganasa dan bermain permainan "online".

       Selain itu,anak watan negara ini akan obses dengan budaya yang ditonjolkan di internet.Natijahnya,orang lain yang tidak bersalah menjadi mangsa mereka.Tidak hairanlah kita menyaksikan kes melawan guru,berzina,bertumbuk,bergaduh sehingga membunuh di kalangan remaja dipaparkan melalui media massa.Siapakah penghulunya? Adakah internet patut dipersalahkan?

       Seterusnya,akibat daripada penyalah gunaan internet,ini akan membantutkan misi negara untuk mencapai wawasan 2020 sekaligus menyekat pembangunan negara untuk melahirkan modal insan minda kelas pertama yang unggul.Kesannya negara kita akan kehilangan tonggak peneraju negara.Dengan mudah musuh luar dapat menakluk negara kita jika tiada pemimpin yang berkaliber dan bijaksana.Dalam pada itu,ekonomi negara turut terjejas bak kata pepatah melayu " cubit paha kanan,paha kiri terasa juga".Natijahnya,kemerosotan ekonomi memandu negara ke arah kemiskinan.

       Nama negara yang gah di mata dunia tercalar akibat daripada rakyatnya yang terperangkap oleh alam maya dan kerajaan gagal untuk melahirkan modal insancemerlang seperti yang digariskan dalam wawasan 2020.Negara kita akan dipandang rendah oleh negara membangun lain jika hal sedemikian terus berleluasa.Di manakah semangat remaja untuk membantu negara?Menurut statistik,pelajar cemerlang yang dilahirkan semakin merosot dari tahun ke tahun.Adakah ini tanda-tanda awal yang membawa negara ke arah hari kekalahan?

       Bangunlah wahai ummah.Pihak berkuasa,pihak sewasta atau semua pihak harus berganding bahu dalam mencegah hal sedemikian dan jangan bersikap meterialistik dan individualistik.Anak watan peneraju negara harus dibentuk dengan acuan yang betul agar tidak dipenjara oleh diri sendiri akibat daripada sikap diri.

Karangan Fakta - Perpustakaan

 Perpustakaan ialah sejenis kemudahan yang mempunyai banyak faedah kepada setiap individu.perpustakaan merupakan sebuah gedung ilmu kerana kita dapat membaca dan meminjam buku untuk mendapat maklumat,menambah ilmu pengetahuan di sana. Oleh itu,perpustakaan sepatutnya dikunjungi oleh murid-murid untuk mengamalkan amalan membaca buku.Di dalam perpustakaan mempunyai pelbagai jenis bahan bacaan seperti buku rujukan,majalah,ensiklopedia dan sebagainya yang boleh dibaca dan dimanfaatkan.Malangnya,perpustakaan semakin jarang dikunjungi pada zaman ini.
        Kebanyakan generasi muda terdedah daripada perkara yang negatif berbanding dengan perkara yang positif.Mereka lebih gemar mengunjungi pusat beli-belah,"cybercafe",pusat permainan dan lain-lainya.Mereka juga menganggap perpustakaan sebagai tempat yang membosankan,mereka lebih suka akan suasana yang hingar-bingar daripada suasana yang aman damai.

        Demi menyelesaikan masalah yang serius ini,kita perlu mengambil inisiatif kepada murid-murid agar mereka lebih kerap mengunjungi perpustakaan.pelbagai pertandingan yang berkaitan perpustakaan boleh diadakan oleh pihak sekolah.Misalnya,kuiz tentang perpustakaan,pertandingan membaca buku dan sebagainya.

        Selain itu,guru-guru juga patut berganding bahu untuk meningkatkan bilangan murid ke perpustakaan.Pihak sekolah boleh mengadakan minggu perpustakaan dan harus bekerjasama menceriakan perpustakaan.Peranan pustakawan juga amat penting dalam menceriakan perpustakaan.Oleh itu,para perpustakawan perlu lebih ektif melaksanakan tugas seperti mengemas buku,menyusun kerusi,membersihkan tempat perpustakaan dan sebagainya.Aktiviti menceriakan perpustakawan yang dilakukan oleh pustakawan akan menarik murid ke perpustakaan kerana kawasan yang selesa dapat menyenang hati mereka.Mereka dapat mengunjungi perpustakaan untuk mengulang kaji pelajaran atau meminjam buku dalam kawasan yang bersih.

         Di samping itu,perpustakaan perlu dilengkapi pelbagai jenis bahan bacaan terkini dan menyediakan kemudahan lain seperti alat pendang dengar dan sebagainya.Pelajar akan terbuka hati untuk mengunjungi perpustakaan pada masa yang terluang.Masa itu emas,kita patut berasa seronok apabila mengunjungi perpustakaan daripada berpeleseran tanpa tujuan.

         Kesimpulannya,pihak sekolah perlu menggalak murid-murid mengunjungi perpustakaan.Perpustakaan yang ceria akan menjadi tumpuan murid-murid sekiranya dilengkapi dengan pelbagai kemudahan yang mesra pengguna.Pelajar harus memanfaatkan kemudahan tersebut dengan sebaik-baiknya,terutama untuk meningkatkan ilmu pengetahuan.   

Speech - How to Manage Stress

     A very good morning to beloved teachers and fellow friends. I humbly thank you for inviting me to give a speech entitled 'How to manage stress'. as all of you know, without proper stress management techniques, the consequences can be devastating. the consequences of stress can be expressed in 3 ways which are physical symptoms, feelings and behaviors.

    Spending time with family is one of the ways to manage stress. By spending time with our beloved family members, we can stay relaxed and avoid stress as we forget our work and all the problems in life for a while. However, some people take a shortcut by using alcohol and drugs. This may be a good solution but only for a while whilst the long-term effect can be devastating. Drugs for example are very dangerous to one's health. People who use it for the first time will only become addicted to it and they will do everything they can to get more doses of drugs. This is not only bad for their health, but also a waste of money and time.

     Holding positive thoughts, rather than succumbing to a negative one can help in maintaining a positive attitude. we must think positively about ourselves. Surrounding ourselves with positive and inspiring people can help elevate our mood and talking with someone about intense feelings when distressed can be helpful to reduce stress . Share feelings with a trusted friend, family member, health care professional or clergy because, when we share the stress problem, it will helps ourselves to lessen the feelings of distress. Some counselors find that participating in a support group with others who have experienced similar situations or events can also be helpful in easing distress.

     Other than the suggestion I gave above,there are still a lot of way of managing stress like searching an interesting hobby that suits you really much, something that you enjoy doing, something that can make you forget the problems or the world. Whether it is your passion, or enthusiasm, it is a great way to control your stress. You can go for a walk nearby your home sweet home or go for a shop at supermarket if you are a girl.By doing that,you can erupt your stress besides relaxing your mind. This is because, when you are doing something enjoyable enough for you, you will be able to forget your problems. Another example is by taking a walk at your house, you may be feel relaxed. Just stretch your body after hours of tiring and stressful work.

     This can really help in a great way. When you take a walk, you can watch the sky and get relaxed. If you do not feel like walking around your house, or feeling boring of the same scenery, you can take a ride and go to the lakes or beach.

     In a nutshell, people do get stressed up. However, it is just a matter of how we manage stress and tension. As long as we can manage it properly, we can prevent the consequences of having too much stress than we can handle. as the saying goes 'It's better to prevent than to cure'. oh my.. looks like time is not on my side. so, I will end my speech here. Thank you for lending me your ears. I hope that my speech today will be of use to all of you. Thank you.

The Value of a Smile

Isn’t it wonderful what a smile can do. You smile at me, I smile at you, and so one smile makes two.
Actions they say speak louder than words, and how very true. An expression too, can work wonders for you. Just see what a smile can do. It is worth a million dollars yet doesn’t cost a thing.

      When I think of a smile, I think of my first day at Primary school. I was so excited as I left home for school. The excitement died when I saw the new school. Suddenly, I felt afraid, alone and abandoned. It did not help that many other girls were crying just like me. Then, someone smiled at me. A smile that seemed to say “don’t worry”. I smiled back and by recess time I had made a friend, who remains dear to me even till today. I often wonder what might have happened if I had not smiled back but I’m glad I did, for that smile started a friendship I hope will last a life time. And, it did.

      A smile is truly magical. A mother’s loving smile gives encouragement to her children. A doctor’s smile of compassion gives hope to a patient. A friend’s tender smile can give you strength when you are down.

      A smile is the unspoken word of love, courage, warmth, encouragement, hope and understanding. The things money cannot buy. However a smile has no value until it is given away. It only takes a moment to give a smile but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. Such is the power of a smile.

     For I know, its true that when you smile, the whole world smiles with you.

The Importance of Knowledge

  Knowledge is an element that can be gained, be shared, be multipled and etc. It is important in our daily life, as we can't live without it for it lies on top of our basic life, neglects food, water, shelter and clothes. We can continue our survival with the presence of knowledge.

     Knowledge is commonly related to teachers and lecturers, however knowledge is not limited to two words alone for knowledge defines the presence of the mind in action. Commonly, students mistakes knowledge to be hard to be 'harvested', as the occurence of mistakes in daily learning from schools. Knowledge plays the most important role in our life, so we need to increase our effort in order to increase our chance of life survival.

     Indeed, knowledge does not come from thin air, nor does it rain from the sky. Knowledge has to be found by our own experience and by sharing with friends or learning with teachers, commonly. Frankly, Many pupils underestimated knowledge as something so common, that they think skipping one day of school is something so small. Well, they are actually wrong within term of intense. One day of school provides a mass of knowledge that can be used in our daily life such as counting, making essays and etc.

     The compassion towards knowledge in one's soul keeps one full spirited in learning. Most successful students have this attribute, of where it is most common helping attribute that one should have. They are fully minded of the importance of knowledge in daily life. The intriguation of this keeps them enough spirit to entend their full potential and strive through one day's challenges. 

Mobile Phone

A mobile phone is a device which behaves as a normal telephone whilst being able to move over a wide area (compare cordless phone which acts as a telephone only within a limited range). Mobile phones allow connections to be made to the telephone network, normally by directly dialling the other party's number on an inbuilt keypad. Most current mobile phones use a combination of radio wave transmission and conventional telephone circuit switching, though packet switching is already in use for some parts of the mobile phone network, especially for services such as Internet access and WAP.

Some of the world's largest mobile phone manufacturers include Alcatel, Audiovox, Kyocera (formerly the handset division of Qualcomm), LG, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic (Matsushita Electric), Philips, Samsung, Sagem, Sanyo, Siemens, SK Teletech, and Sony Ericsson.

There are also specialist communication systems related to, but distinct from mobile phones, such as satellite phones and Professional Mobile Radio.

Worldwide deployment

Mobile phones have a long and varied history that stretches back to the 1950s, with hand-held devices being available since 1983. Due to their low establishment costs and rapid deployment, mobile phone networks have since spread rapidly throughout the world, outstripping the growth of fixed telephony. Such networks can often be economic, even with a small customer base, as mobile network costs are mostly call volume related, while fixed-line telephony has a much higher subscriber related cost component.

In most of Europe, wealthier parts of Asia, and Australasia, mobile phones are now virtually universal, with the majority (in some countries and age groups up to 100 percent) of the adult, teenage, and even child population owning one. They are less common in the United States — while widely used, market penetration is lower than elsewhere in the developed world (around 66 percent of the U.S. population as of 2003). Reasons advanced for this include incomplete coverage, a mixture of incompatible technical standards (many European nations and some Asian nations force the GSM standard by law on all phones, while in other Asian nations the CDMA standard is enforced; in the United States and Canada there is no such law and each provider chooses a standard), relatively high minimum monthly service charges (around $30), and the availability of relatively low-cost fixed-line networks (around $30 for unlimited local calling). Prepaid or pay as you go services, common elsewhere, are far less common in the U.S., and are much more expensive than comparable services in other countries. The shortage of telephone numbers in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), and the lack of non-regional special telephone numbers for mobile services, means that the pricing system used elsewhere (calls cost more to make to a mobile, but are free to receive) cannot be used, and as a result users pay to receive calls, discouraging cellphone use. The same technical issues affect mobile telephony in Canada, as it uses the same mix of incompatible standards as does the U.S., and is also part of the NANP.

Mobile phone features

Mobile phones are designed to work on cellular networks and contain a standard set of services that allow phones of different types and in different countries to communicate with each other.

Before the phone can be used, a subscription to a mobile phone operator (a.k.a. carrier) is required. For phones on GSM networks, the operator will issue a SIM card which contains the unique subscription and authentication parameters for that customer; alternatively, the carrier will put the customer's handset identifier into its subscriber database so that the handset can make calls on the network. Once the SIM card is inserted into the phone, services can be accessed. Mobile phones do not only support voice calls; they can also send and receive data and faxes (if a computer is attached), send short messages (or "text messages"; see SMS), access WAP services, and provide full Internet access using technologies such as GPRS. Mobile phones usually have a clock and a calculator and often one can play some games on them. Newer models sometimes include a noise meter, a thermometer, a compass and many other exotic features.

Many mobile phones support 'auto-roaming', which permits the same phone to be used in multiple countries. For this to work, the operators of both countries must have a roaming agreement.

Today, most models also allow for sending and receiving pictures and have a built-in digital camera. Sound and video recording is often also possible. This gives rise to some concern about privacy, in view of possible voyeurism, for example in swimming pools. For this reason, Saudi Arabia has entirely banned the sale of camera phones (although the country allows pilgrims on the Hajj to bring in camera phones); South Korea has ordered manufacturers to ensure that all new handsets emit a beep whenever a picture is taken.

GPS receivers are starting to appear integrated or connected (i.e. using bluetooth) to cell phones, primarily to aid in dispatching emergency responders and road tow truck services.

Newer models have included many features aimed toward personalisation, such as user defined and downloadable ring tones and logos, and interchangeable covers, which have helped in the uptake by the teenage market. Usually one can choose between a ring tone, a vibrating alert, or a combination of both.

Multi-mode mobile phones

A multi-mode (a.k.a. dual, tri or quad band) mobile phone is a phone which is designed to work on more than one GSM radio frequency. The multi-mode case occurs mostly in GSM which originated in the 900 MHz band, but expanded to other bands including 1800 and 1900Mhz bands. Some multi-mode phones can operate on analog networks as well (for example, dual band, tri-mode: AMPS 800 / CDMA 800 / CDMA 1900).

Multi mode phones have been valuable to enable roaming but are now becoming most important in allowing the introduction of WCDMA without customers having to give up the wide coverage of GSM. Almost every single true 3G phone sold is actually a WCDMA/GSM dual-mode mobile. This is also true of 2.75G phones such as those based on CDMA-2000 or EDGE.

The special challenge involved in producing a multi-mode mobile is in finding ways to share the components between the different standards. Obviously, the phone keypad and display should be shared, otherwise it would be hard to treat as one phone. Beyond that, though, there are challenges at each level of integration. How difficult these challenges are depends on the differences between systems. The different variants of the GSM system have only different frequencies and so aren't even considered true multi-mode phones but rather are called multi-band phones. When talking about IS-95/GSM multi-mode phones, for example, or AMPS/IS-95 phones, the base band processing is very different from system to system. This leads to real difficulties in component integration and so to larger phones.

An interesting special case of multi-mode phones is the WCDMA/GSM phone. The radio interfaces are very different from each other, but mobile to core network messaging has strong similarities, meaning that software sharing is quite easy. Probably more importantly, the WCDMA air interface has been designed with GSM compatibility in mind. It has a special mode of operation, known as punctured mode, in which, instead of transmitting continuously, the mobile is able to stop sending for a short period and try searching for GSM carriers in the area. This mode allows for safe inter-frequency handovers with channel measurements which can only be approximated using "pilot signals" in other CDMA based systems.

A final interesting case is that of mobiles covering the DS-WCDMA and MC-CDMA 3G variants of the CDMA-2000 protocol. Initially, the chip rate of these phones was incompatible. As part of the negotiations related to patents, it was agreed to use compatible chip rates. This should mean that, despite the fact that the air and system interfaces are quite different, even on a philosophical level, much of the hardware for each system inside a phone should be common with differences being mostly confined to software.

As can be deduced from the above, most mobile phone networks now use one of two standards, GSM or CDMA. A third standard, iDEN, is found exclusively in North America and is confined to use by the Nextel network. It's believed that this network will eventually disappear as Nextel merges with Sprint PCS, a CDMA carrier. Similarly, AT&T Wireless's TDMA network in North America is slowly being phased out as a result of its merger with Cingular, a GSM carrier.

Health controversy

Main article: Mobile phone radiation and health

As with many new technologies, concerns have arisen about the effects on health from using a mobile telephone. There is little scientific evidence for an increase in certain types of rare tumors in long-time, heavy users. More recently a pan-European study provided significant evidence of DNA damage under certain conditions. So far, however, the World Health Organization Task Force on EMF effects on health has no definitive conclusion on the veracity of these allegations. (see also Electromagnetic radiation hazard). It is generally thought, however, that RF is incapable of producing any more than heating effects, as it is considered non-ionizing radiation, in other words that it lacks the energy to disrupt molecular bonds such as occurs in genetic mutations.

Another controversial but perhaps more lethal health concern is the correlation with automobile accidents. Some countries, provinces and states are considering banning hand mobile phone use whilst driving or require that a "hands-free" system be used. Many European countries and New York already require a "hands-free" device for mobile phone use in vehicles, and other U.S. states and municipalities are following suit.

As technology progresses and data demands have increased on the mobile network, the latest in scares is the 3G higher bandwidth towers. The network has sparked many health concerns and community outrage. Examples of such can be seen from headlines around the world; locals in the UK pulling down 3G masts, authorities in Denmark lobbying against the Government's rollout of 3G Networks to stop until a dispute is made, Australia - Sydney Leichhardt protests banners were demonstrated outside housing and the local school to stop the 3G mast on the roof of a supermarket. The spurt of protest appears to be the common reason for human fear, the unknown. There have been very little communications between governments and communities providing information about the introduction of 3G upgrades. The ACA (Australian Communications Authority) and ARPANSA (Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency) recently announced that the 3G towers actually cause less radiation then the already present 2G network. An average radiation power output of 3watt. No governmental fact sheet is available and it is questionable that perhaps the current towers do release more radiation, however, the propagation of more towers inevitably adds to a more irradiated area.

Security concerns

Earlier mobile phones were fairly simple and the major security concern was "cloning", a variant of identity theft which is much more difficult with newer, digital systems. Many users fail to realize that a cell phone is literally a basic walkie-talkie style radio, with some computers helping along the way. Radio scanners dating to about 1996 or '97 typically can receive the old analog cell phones as easy as one can listen to an FM radio. However, over the years technology has made cell phones in the gigahertz range, well above most conventional scanners. In addition, many (most) cell phones on the market today are backed by many digital type encryption systems. There are also new means of digital communications, such as text messaging and e-mail. As of 2004, even basic phones can send and receive text messages which makes them vulnerable to attack by worms and viruses. Advanced phones capable of e-mail can be susceptible to viruses that can multiply by sending messages through a phone's address book. Of more important concern, a virus may allow unauthorized users to access a phone to find passwords or corporate data stored on the device. Moreover, they can be used to commandeer the phone to make calls or send messages at the owner's expense. Unlike computers that are restricted to only a few widespread operating systems, cellular phones use a variety of systems that require separate programs to be designed in order to disable each one. While reducing overall compatibilty from an application design standpoint, this has the beneficial effect of making it harder to design a mass attack. However, the rise of cellular phone operating system programming platforms shared by many manufacturers such as Java, Microsoft operating systems, Linux or Symbian OS, may in the future change this status quo.

Bluetooth is a wireless communication feature now found in many higher-end phones, and the virus Cabir hijacked this function, sending Bluetooth phones on a search-and-destroy mission to infect other Bluetooth phones. In early November 2004, several web sites began offering a specific piece of software promising ringtones and screensavers for certain phones. Those who downloaded the software found that it turned each icon on the phone's screen into a skull-and-crossbones and disabled their phones, so they could no longer send or receive text messages or access contact lists or calendars. The virus has since been dubbed "Skulls" by security experts. The Commwarrior.A virus was identified in March 2005, and it attempts to replicate itself through MMS to others on the phone's contact list. Like Cabir, Commwarrior.A also tries to communicate via Bluetooth wireless connections with other devices, which can eventually lead to draining the battery. The virus requires user intervention for propagation however. Bluetooth telephones are also subject to bluejacking, which is the generally benign transmission of messages from anonymous Bluetooth users. In 2004, rumors spread of using Bluetooth to arrange casual sex hookups; this activity, widely publicized in both print and online media as toothing, was revealed to be a hoax in 2005.

Mobile phone culture

In less than twenty years, mobile telephones have gone from being rare and expensive pieces of equipment used by businesses to a pervasive low-cost personal item. In many affluent countries, mobile phones now outnumber land-line telephones, with most adults and many children now owning mobile phones and is not uncommon for young adults to own simply a cell phone instead of a land-line for their residence, even in the U.S. where mobile phone use is less prevalent than other industrialized countries. Mobile phone penetration is increasing around the world; this is particularly true of developing countries, where there is little existing fixed-line infrastructure.

With high levels of mobile telephone penetration, a mobile phone culture has evolved, where the mobile phone becomes a key social tool, and people rely on their mobile phone addressbook to keep in touch with their friends. Many people keep in touch using SMS, and a whole culture of "texting" has developed from this.

The mobile phone itself has become a totemic and fashion object, with users decorating, customizing, and accessorizing their mobile phones to reflect their personality.

The capabilities of mobile phones are now being expanded further, to become smartphones which can adopt the roles of Internet browser, game console, personal music player and personal digital assistant.

Mobile etiquette has become an important issue with mobiles ringing at funerals, weddings, movies and plays. Users often speak at increased volume, with the effect of nearby people hearing personal conversations that they don't necessarily want to hear; it has become common practice for places like libraries and movie theatres to ban the use of cell phones, even to the point of installing jamming equipment to prevent them. (In areas where public safety radio networks use frequencies near the cellular range, such jammers have been known to disrupt emergency operations. Such equipment, though cheap and readily available, is therefore illegal under most countries' communications regulations.)

Science Chapter 4: Interdependence among Living Organisms and the Environment


  1. A species is a group of organisms that have the same shape and structure.
  2. Monkey, rat, cat and elephant are examples of the different species of organisms

  1. A habitat is the natural living place of plants and animals.
  2. A habitat provides an organism with air, food, space, shelter and a place in which to breed.


  1. A population is a group of organisms comprising the same species that live together in a habitat.
  2. For example: a population of monkeys on a tree and a population of lions on a grassland.

  1. A community consists of several species of animal and plant population that live together and interact with one another in a habitat.

  1. An ecosystem consists of several communities that interact with one another and with the physical environment.
  2. For example: a pond ecosystem, a tropical rainforest ecosystem.


Definition of Adjective

Adjectives are describing words. Large, grey and friendly are all examples of adjectives. In the examples below, these adjectives are used to describe an elephant. 


Large elephant
Grey elephant
Friendly elephant

Adjectives Modify Nouns

The word elephant is a noun. Adjectives are added to nouns to state what kind, what colour, which one or how many. Adjectives are said to modify nouns and are necessary to make the meanings of sentences clearer or more exact.


Follow the yellow cab.
(In this example, the adjective 'yellow' modifies the noun 'cab'.)

Craig caught another large bass.
(In this example, the adjective 'large' modifies the noun 'bass'.)

It is the girl with the pale face again.

The principal words should be in bold.
(Beware of the adjective 'principal' - see right)

The rusty nail he stood on was the cause of the infection.

Please put the old documents in the shredder.

There is an essential matter we need to discuss.

Peter guessed the right number.

Adjectives Modify Pronouns

Although less common, adjectives can also modify pronouns.


It is a blue one.
(In this example, the adjective 'blue' modifies the pronoun 'one'.)

Only a brave few have received a recommendation.



  • Pengertian
                @ Ramadhan bermaksud berpanas terik.
                       - dari segi syarak bulan rahmat yang diwajibkan berpuasa padanya.
                       - dinamakan juga shahrun mubarakun [bulan yang penuh dengan keberkatan]

  • Keistimewaan bulan ramadhan
                @ diturunkan Al-Quran kepada Rasullah S.A.W
                @ terdapat malam lailatul qadar, iaitu satu malam yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan
                @ bulan khas untuk umat Islam menunaikan ibadat puasa
                @ amalan kebajikan yang dilakukan akan dibalas dengan ganjaran yang amat besar
                @ terdapat solat sunat tarawikh yang besar pahalanya di sisi Allah S.W.T
                @ doa dikabulkan dan dosa diampunkan

  • Amalan utama dalam bulan ramadhan
               @ tilawatul Quran
                    - membaca Al-Quran sendirian atau beramai-ramai (tadarus)
                    - Cara : membaca dengan betul, menyemak dan memahami maknanya sekali
                    - Fadhilat : dapat menenangkan jiwa dan menjauhkan diri daripada gangguan syaitan serta Al-Quran akan memberi syafaat di akhirat.
               @ solat sunat tarawikh
                    - solat sunat yang dikerjakan selepas solat fardhu Isyak dalam bulan Ramadhan
                    - dilakukan dua rakaat satu salam sebanyak 8 atau 20 rakaat dan sebaiknya secara berjemaah
                    - Fadhilat : diampunkan dosa yang lalu dan mengukuhkan hubungan silaturahim

               @ bersedekah
                    - mendermakan sesuatu harta kerana Allah S.W.T kepada orang yang memerlukan bantuan dengan hati yang ikhlas
                    - Fadhilat : dapat menampung kecacatan puasa, pahala yang berlipat ganda dan dijauhkan azab neraka
                @ iktikaf, berzikir, bertafakur dan solat tahajud 


The modal verbs are:-




Can They can control their own budgets.

We can’t fix it.

Can I smoke here?

Can you help me?
Ability / Possibility

Inability / Impossibility

Asking for permission

Could Could I borrow your dictionary?

Could you say it again more slowly?

We could try to fix it ourselves.

I think we could have another Gulf War.

He gave up his old job so he could work for us.
Asking for permission.



Future possibility

Ability in the past
May May I have another cup of coffee?

China may become a major economic power.
Asking for permission

Future possibility
Might We'd better phone tomorrow, they might be eating their dinner now.

They might give us a 10% discount.
Present possibility

 Future possibility
Must We must say good-bye now.

They mustn’t disrupt the work more than necessary.
Necessity / Obligation

Ought to We ought to employ a professional writer. Saying what’s right or correct
(More common in the UK than the US)

Shall I help you with your luggage?

Shall we say 2.30 then?

Shall I do that or will you?


Asking what to do
Should We should sort out this problem at once.

I think we should check everything again.

Profits should increase next year.
Saying what’s right or correct

Recommending action

Uncertain prediction
Will I can’t see any taxis so I’ll walk.

I'll do that for you if you like.

I’ll get back to you first thing on Monday.

Profits will increase next year.
Instant decisions



Certain prediction
Would Would you mind if I brought a colleague with me?

Would you pass the salt please?

Would you mind waiting a moment?

"Would three o`clock suit you?" - "That’d be fine."

Would you like to play golf this Friday?

"Would you prefer tea or coffee?" - "I’d like tea please."
Asking for permission



Making arrangements





Apabila anda merdengar ungkapan “Enam Jahanam”, apakah yang mungkin anda fikirkan ? Adakah itu judul sebuah filem klasik P. Ramlee atau nama kumpulan penjenayah yang diburu oleh pihak polis ? Rupa-rupanya, ungkapan itu merujuk kepada enam jenis dadah yang harus diberi perhatian serius kerana penyalahgunaannya yang meluas – heroin, kokain, ecstasy, kanabis, syabu dan morfin. Sewaktu melancarkan “Karnival Enam Jahanam”, Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi menyatakan bahawa isu dadah di negara kita  berada pada tahap yang berbahaya. Oleh itu, kerajaan mengisytiharkan dadah harus diperangi hingga ke akar umbi kerana dadah merupakan musuh nombor satu negara.Apakah sebenarnya dadah ? Dadah yang fungsi asalnya ialah bahan perubatan merupakan bahan kimia psikoaktif yang mempunyai kesan ke atas sistem saraf pusat seperti menyebabkan keadaan khayal, ketagihan dan gangguan tingkahlaku. Penyalahgunaanya yang berterusan mendatangkan kerosakan kepada diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.  
Pada akhir tahun 1960-an, negara  kita   mulai  mengalami  masalah  dadah   Golongan remaja  dipengaruhi oleh kebudayaan ‘hippie’ dan askar-askar Amerika  yang  melancong ke Pulau Pinang. Sebagai kesan daripada kedua pengaruh tersebut, penagihan dadah telah merebak ke seluruh negara. Golongan  muda  yang  terlibat  dalam  penagihan  dadah merupakan  pemuda- pemudi  harapan  bangsa  dan  negara   dan  terjerumusnya  mereka  dalam alam khayalan ini mengakibatkan  mereka bukan sahaja tidak berguna kepada  masyarakat  bahkan diri  mereka sendiri. Memandangkan  hakikat inilah,  kerajaan  telah  mengambil  sikap tegas terhadap pengedaran  dadah,  dan  mengambil  langkah-langkah yang perlu untuk melindungi rakyat termasuklah undang-undang yang  amat  ketat. Tetapi, pengedaran dadah nampaknya tidak boleh diselesaikan dengan hanya peruntukan undang-undang seperti Akta Dadah Berbahaya (Langkah-langkah Pencegahan Khas 1985) walaupun mereka yang sabit kesalahan boleh dijatuhi hukuman mati mandatori.  Oleh itu, kerajaan telah  melancarkan  kempen  antidadah  di  seluruh  negara  secara  meluas.  Namun demikian,  tanggungjawab untuk memerangi dadah seharusnya  kita  pikul  bersama. 

Tindakan   pencegahan   dadah   yang   berkesan memerlukan  penglibatan semua golongan masyarakat. Pada zaman moden ini, golngan muda lebih  bebas,  terdedah  kepada pengaruh asing dan mereka  lebih mengutamakan pandangan rakan sebaya. Dengan ini, mereka mudah terlibat dengan kegiatan yang  tidak  sihat. Untuk  disanjung  oleh  kawan, mereka menunjukkan keberanian dengan  menghisap  rokok  dan  dadah. Sekali  mereka   bermula,   maka   amat  sukar  bagi  mereka memberhentikan amalan buruk ini.   Masyarakat harus dididik  sejak kecil lagi bahawa dadah itu najis, benda yang kotor dan tidak boleh disentuh.  Sekiranya kita berjaya menyemai nilai ini dalam  hati  sanubari  mereka, sebahagian daripada kejayaan pencegahan dadah akan tercapai. Kita  harus sedar bahawa tindakan kita ke arah matlamat mencegah penyalahgunaan dadah ini adalah untuk menyelamatkan bukan sahaja keluarga kita sendiri bahkan generasi muda untuk  mewujudkan  satu bangsa yang bermaruah dan dihormati. 

Sebahagian  besar penagih-penagih dadah  di  negara  kita  terdiri  daripada golongan remaja antara 15-29 tahun.  Antara  sebab-sebab utama  mereka  ini menjadi penagih ialah kerana keseronokan, sikap ingin tahu, pengaruh  persekitaran  terutamanya pengaruh rakan sebaya, tekanan emosi disebabkan oleh sama ada kegagalan, tidak mendapat kasih sayang  ibu  bapa atau kerana kemewahan. Hal ini menunjukkan, sekolah boleh memainkan peranan penting dalam membasmi bencana dadah. Pada tahun 2005 ini, Agensi Antidadah Kebangsaan (AADK) telah melancarkan program pencegahan penagihan dadah besar-besaran tahun ini dengan sasaran utama terhadap golongan belia terutama pelajar sekolah. Program pencegahan merupakan usaha terbaik bagi mengelak pertambahan jumlah penagih baru di negara ini. Menurut laporan agensi itu, sehingga Oktober tahun 2004, daripada sejumlah 30,659 penagih dadah, sebanyak 15,292 orang adalah penagih baru manakala sebanyak 15,667 adalah penagih berulang. Data ini jelas menunjukkan kita perlu bersungguh-sungguh dengan program pencegahan kerana program pemulihan dan rawatan sukar menghalang penagih-penagih ini mengulangi kegiatan mereka.

Kajian oleh Kementerian Kesihatan menunjukkan kegiatan penagihan dadah lazimnya bermula dengan tabiat menghisap rokok. Ini kerana tabiat ketagihan dihasilkan oleh unsur nikotin dalam rokok. Apabila merasakan rokok tidak memberi kepuasan, mereka beralih kepada ganja dan sekiranya ganja juga tidak memberi keseronokan, mereka akan beralih kepada heroin dan morfin. Jelasnya, pencegahan tabiat merokok juga penting dalam memerangi najis dadah kerana implikasinya terhadap dorongan untuk mendapatkan dadah. 
Masyarakat harus sama-sama menyedari akan kesan pengambilan dadah. Dengan berfikiran rasional,  mereka tentu tidak sanggup menerima risikonya yang menakutkan. Antara kesan-kesannya ialah mendapat penyakit meningitis, penyakit jangkitan jantung, AIDS, Hepatitis B, C, dan D, kerosakan buah pinggang, otot-otot badan mengecut dan berkemungkinan lumpuh. Kesan fizikal pula ialah apabila sekiranya bekalan dadah tidak diperoleh mereka akan berasa keluh-kesah, gian, dan amat menderita. Jelasnya mereka akan berperang dengan kematian kerana terdedah dengan penyakit terutamanya penyakit AIDS yang amat digeruni.   

Kesimpulannya, kita harus bertekad dengan keazaman yang tinggi untuk memerangi dadah. Najis dadah akan kita kuburkan dan wujudlah suasana dadah sifar. Marilah kita sama-sama menghapuskan najis dadah yang “menjahanamkan” masyarakat daripada terus hadir di Malaysia.  Kita tiada pilihan melainkan hanya satu slogan di hati dan di minda pada setiap masa iaitu “Perangi Dadah Habis-Habisan”.


Punca-punca dan cara mengatasi kemalangan jalan raya

Assalamualaikum. Yang dihormati Tuan Pengerusi Majlis, yang berbahagia Tuan Pegawai Daerah Kubang Pasu, pegawai polis trafik, dan hadirin yang dihormati sekalian. Saya mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan ceramah dalam majlis ini.
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
Kes kemalangan jalan raya menjelang hari raya semakin meningkat sejak kebelakangan ini. Pada tahun-tahun lepas kadar kemalangan jalan raya pada musim perayaan khususnya Hari Raya Aidilfitri tidak sebanyak pada tahun lepas. Terdapat banyak punca yang menyebabkan berlakunya peningkatan kes kemalangan jalan raya di negara kita.
Antara punca utama kemalangan itu ialah kebanyakan pemandu tidak mempunyai lesen memandu. Sesetengah pemandu juga menggunakan lesen memandu yang palsu. Oleh itu, apabila tidak memiliki lesen yang sah, maka pemandu tersebut sudah semestinya tidak cekap dan tidak biasa memandu kenderaan. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan kemalangan. Setiap pemandu harus mempunyai lesen kenderaan kerana sebelum seseorang itu memperoleh lesen memandu, mereka telah didedahkan dengan teknik pemanduan yang betul. Malah apabila mereka lulus ujian pemanduan barulah mereka dianggap layak memandu kenderaan. Oleh itu seseorang yang masih tidak mempunyai lesen memandu dinasihatkan agar tidak memandu kenderaan di jalan raya.
Selain itu, kebanyakan kes kemalangan jalan raya juga berpunca daripada kecuaian pemandu kenderaan itu sendiri. Ramai pemandu yang memandu dalam keadaan mengantuk. Biasanya keadaan mengantuk ini berlaku ketika tengah hari dan sebelah malam. Mereka yang memandu dalam keadaan mengantuk besar kemungkinan terlelap seketika semasa memandu. Seterusnya mengakibatkan kenderaan mereka terbabas ataupun melanggar kenderaan lain pada arah yang bertentangan. Saya amat berharap agar para pemandu memastikan mereka tidak mengantuk semasa memandu kenderaan mereka. Sekiranya pemandu mengantuk mereka dinasihatkan supaya berehat sebentar sebelum meneruskan perjalanan.
Para hadirin sekalian,
Kemalangan juga boleh berlaku apabila pemandu dalam keadaan mabuk. Kemampuan pemandu untuk mengawal kenderaan mereka akan menjadi berkurangan apabila mereka mabuk. Hal ini kerana mereka memandu dalam keadaan berkhayal. Kenderaan yang dipandu mungkin akan membelok ke kiri dan ke kanan sehingga menyebabkan kemalangan. Lebih malang lagi jika kecuaian pemandu ini melibatkan kemalangan kepada pihak lain. Saya juga berpesan kepada semua hadirin agar tidak sekali-kali memandu dalam keadaan mabuk. Ia bukan sahaja membahayakan nyawa anda malahan pengguna jalan raya yang lain.
Kita seharusnya memandu kenderaan yang sempurna sifatnya. Sebelum memandu kenderaan, kita mesti memeriksa kenderaan kita supaya selamat untuk dipandu. Contohnya, keadaan minyak hitam, brek, bateri, air, dan lampu berada dalam keadaan baik. Terdapat pemandu yang tidak menghiraukan masalah ini. Mereka mengabaikan kesempurnaan kereta mereka. Contohnya, mereka tidak mengganti tayar yang haus. Apabila tayar kita sudah haus, sudah tentu daya cengkaman kenderaan itu akan berkurangan. Hal ini lebih membahayakan ketika hujan kerana sewaktu hujan, cengkaman tayar dengan jalan raya semakin berkurangan. Jelas di sini, tayar yang haus boleh menyebabkan berlakunya kemalangan jalan raya.
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
Bagi mengatasi masalah ini, pihak polis trafik telah mengadakan pelbagai usaha bagi mengurangkan lagi kadar kemalangan jalan raya. Usaha yang dilakukan nampaknya masih kurang berkesan. Pihak kami sering mengadakan kempen keselamatan jalan raya terutama sempena sambutan hari raya. Hal ini kerana kami telah mendapat maklumat bahawa kejadian kemalangan jalan raya semasa musim perayaan meningkat dengan mendadak berbanding hari-hari lain. Hal ini kerana semua rakyat di Malaysia akan melakukan perjalanan jauh sarna ada pulang ke kampung ataupun pergi melancong. Kempen-kempen yang dilakukan tertumpu di jalan-jalan utama di seluruh negara. Melalui kempen ini sedikit sebanyak dapat memberikan kesedaran kepada pengguna jalan raya.
Pada tahun lepas, Menteri Besar Kedah telah menyertai kempen keselamatan jalan raya. Kempen ini telah diadakan di lebuh raya Bukit Kayu Hitam-Sungai Petani. Ketika beliau berucap, beliau telah menekankan kesedaran kepada para pemandu agar memandu kenderaan mereka dengan cermat. Malah beliau juga turut memberikan baju keselamatan kepada penunggang motosikal. Kempen ini sekurang-kurangnya berjaya memberikan sedikit pengetahuan kepada pengguna jalan raya.
Pihak polis trafik juga telah memasang kamera perangkap kelajuan. Kami telah memasangnya di tempat-tempat yang strategik iaitu kawasan yang biasanya dipandu laju oleh pemilik kenderaan. Jika mereka memandu dengan kelajuan melebihi 110 km sejam, justeru kamera perangkap kelajuan ini akan merakam gambar kereta dan pemandunya. Selepas disemak oleh pegawai kami, dan didapati mereka telah melanggar had kelajuan yang dibenarkan, pihak kami akan menghantar surat sama kepada pemiliknya. Cara ini telah dapat mengurangkan kadar kemalangan jalan raya terutama di Lebuh Raya Utara-Selatan.
Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,
Pasukan polis trafik bertugas selama 24 jam di sekitar jalan raya utama di negara ini. Mereka akan memastikan agar pemandu tidak membawa kenderaan mereka dengan laju atau secara berbahaya. Jika para pemandu memandu kenderaan mereka dengan laju, mereka boleh disaman ataupun kenderaan mereka boleh ditahan. Banyak saman telah dikeluarkan oleh pasukan polis trafik melalui cara sebegini terutamanya di sekitar bandaraya Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang, dan di Johor Bahru.
Jelaslah bahawa kemalangan jalan raya sebenarnya berpunca daripada sikap pemandu itu sendiri. Seandainya pemandu itu berhati-hati ketika memandu maka kemalangan jalan raya dapat dikurangkan. Tetapi seandainya pemandu itu masih lagi berdegil dan tidak mematuhi undang-undang jalan raya justeru kadar kemalangan ini akan terus meningkat dari semasa ke semasa. Oleh itu saya berharap agar setiap yang hadir ini menyedari pentingnya kita berhemah semasa memandu di jalan raya. Saya juga berharap perkara ini dapat disebarkan kepada orang lain yang tidak menghadiri majlis ini.
Sebelum saya mengundurkan diri besarlah harapan saya agar kemalangan jalan raya di negara ini dapat dikurangkan. Sekian, terima kasih.



  • Nikmat ialah semua bentuk kesenangan,keperluan dan keselesaan yang diterima oleh seseorang seperti kesihatan, makanan, tempat tinggal dan keamanan.
  • Musibah ialah semua bentuk kesusahan, halangan dan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh seseorang seperti kesakitan, kelaparan dan kematian. 
          * Adab menerima nikmat * 
  • Bersyukur 
  • - melalui hati : yakin bahawa nikmat yang diterima ialah kurniaan Allah dan akan disoal di hari akhirat.
  • - melalui lisan : memuji Allah S.W.T dengan menyebut alhamdulillah.
  • - melalui perbuatan : menggunakan nikmat Allah S.W.T dengan cara yang terbaik dan bermanfaat.
  • melakukan sujud syukur.
  • bersedekah.
  • tidak menunjuk-nunjuk.       

             * Akibat tidak bersyukur kepada Allah *
  • Allah S.W.T akan menarik balik nikmat yang diberi.
  • Akan dipandang hina.
  • Individu, masyarakat dan negara menjadi mundur.
  • Akan terima azab Allah S.W.T di hari akhirat.
  • Hidup dalam kesempitan.

            * Adab ketika menerima musibah *
  • Tidak mudah berputus asa.
  • Sabar dan tabah.
  • Cari jalan penyelesaian.
  • Berdoa dan bertawakal.
  • Beristighfar memohon ampun daripada Allah.

        * Kelebihan beradab ketika menerima musibah daripada Allah *
  • Mendapat keampunan dan rahmat Allah S.W.T.
  • Keimanan bertambah.
  • Mendapat kejayaan di dunia dan di akhirat.

simple essay

"A dog is man's best friend." That common saying may contain some truth, but dogs are not the only animal friend whose companionship people enjoy. For many people, a cat is their best friend. Despite what dog lovers may believe, cats make excellent housepets as they are good companions, they are civilized members of the household, and they are easy to care for.
In the first place, people enjoy the companionship of cats. Many cats are affectionate. They will snuggle up and ask to be petted, or scratched under the chin. Who can resist a purring cat? If they're not feeling affectionate, cats are generally quite playful. They love to chase balls and feathers, or just about anything dangling from a string. They especially enjoy playing when their owners are participating in the game. Contrary to popular opinion, cats can be trained. Using rewards and punishments, just like with a dog, a cat can be trained to avoid unwanted behavior or perform tricks. Cats will even fetch!
In the second place, cats are civilized members of the household. Unlike dogs, cats do not bark or make other loud noises. Most cats don't even meow very often. They generally lead a quiet existence. Cats also don't often have "accidents." Mother cats train their kittens to use the litter box, and most cats will use it without fail from that time on. Even stray cats usually understand the concept when shown the box and will use it regularly. Cats do have claws, and owners must make provision for this. A tall scratching post in a favorite cat area of the house will often keep the cat content to leave the furniture alone. As a last resort, of course, cats can be declawed.
Lastly, one of the most attractive features of cats as housepets is their ease of care. Cats do not have to be walked. They get plenty of exercise in the house as they play, and they do their business in the litter box. Cleaning a litter box is a quick, painless procedure. Cats also take care of their own grooming. Bathing a cat is almost never necessary because under ordinary circumstances cats clean themselves. Cats are more particular about personal cleanliness than people are. In addition, cats can be left home alone for a few hours without fear. Unlike some pets, most cats will not destroy the furnishings when left alone. They are content to go about their usual activities until their owners return.
Cats are low maintenance, civilized companions. People who have small living quarters or less time for pet care should appreciate these characteristics of cats. However, many people who have plenty of space and time still opt to have a cat because they love the cat personality. In many ways, cats are the ideal housepet.



  • Asma Al-Husna ialah nama-nama Allah yang indah yang melambangkan kesempurnaannya.
  • Sebab-sebab perlu beriman kepada Asma Al-Husna :
                            - Mendekatkan diri kepada Allah
                            - Memudahkan kita berdoa mengikut kesesuaian 

  • Kesan beriman kepada Asma Al-Husna : 
                          - Sentiasa mengharapkan pertolongan dari Allah
                          - Mempunyai cita-cita yang tinggi
                          - Menginsafi kelemahan diri
                          - Menjadi seorang yang teguh dan rajin beramal soleh 
