FOURTH TIME BLAZE IN 6 MONTHS

KUALA LUMPUR, Thurs. - A volcano-like erupted at Jinjang Utama landfill. It was the fourth time in six months that the landfill had burnt into flames. The first fire engine arrived within five minutes of a phone call from a member of the public at 7.20 p.m. By then the fire, measuring up to 20 metres, had spread rapidly due to strong winds.

        The firemen used the fire hydrant at the housing area and eight water tanks to contain the fire. They sprayed water at the speed of 300 gallons per minute. The City Fire and Rescue Department said the fire could been caused by the hot weather, which hastened chemical reaction with toxic waste. The department stated that it would take at least a week to put out the fire completely.

                                                (Adapted from The Star, 13 February 2004)


         Saban hari, kita sering mendengar isu remaja yang tidak pernah habis diperkatakan. Tidak kurang juga berita-berita mengenai salah laku oleh remaja yang tidak pernah lekang di dada-dada akhbar tempatan hampir pada setiap hari. Remaja sebenarnya bolehlah dianalogikan sebagai batu permata yang bakal mencorakkan masa depan negara. Namun, mereka tidak sedar akan hakikat tersebut. Mereka sering melakukan kesalahan yang melibatkan kemusnahan harta benda awam yang boleh diringkaskan dengan perkataan ‘vandalisme’. Menyedari tentang hal ini, tiadakah usaha-usaha dari pihak tertentu untuk menangani masalah ini?

        Dalam konteks ini, ibu bapalah yang perlu memainkan peranan penting. Didikan agama dan nilai moral yang sempurna haruslah ditanam dalam jiwa anak-anak mereka. Ibu bapa perlu mendidik anak-anak mereka supaya menghargai harta benda awam yang terdapat baik di kawasan tempat tinggal mereka mahupun di tempat lain. Selain itu, mereka harus memantau aktiviti-aktiviti yang biasa dilakukan oleh anak-anak mereka dan mengetahui latar belakang rakan-rakan bagi anak-anak mereka. Sekiranya mereka mendapati anak-anak mereka terlibat dalam gejala vandalisme ini, tindakan sewajarnya harus dilakukan. Hal ini termasuklah dengan memberi amaran tegas kepada anak-anak mereka. Tindakan ini memang sesuai dengan kata orang-orang tua,“Sayangkan anak, tangan-tangankan”.

        Di samping itu, masyarakat tidak harus berpeluk tubuh apabila gejala vandalisme ‘menjalar’ dengan berleluasa di kawasan perumahan mereka. Perbuatan seperti menconteng dinding bangunan, merosakkan telefon awam, buaian di taman permainan dan tong sampah awam wajar diambil perhatian. Masyarakat di sesebuah kawasan itu perlu mengadakan mesyuarat dengan para ibu bapa tentang gejala itu dan mengenakan tindakan seperti denda berupa bayaran kepada ibu bapa yang didapati anaknya terlibat dalam salah laku ini. Kesannya, ibu bapa akan menjadi lebih peka terhadap tindak-tanduk anak-anak mereka.

        Selain itu, pihak kerajaan perlu mengadakan kempen-kempen untuk memerangi gejala vandalisme. Pihak kerajaan boleh menyebarkan idea tersebut melalui stesen televisyen dan radio tempatan untuk menangani gejala yang semakin ‘membarahi’ negara ini. Kerajaan juga perlu mengenakan bayaran kompaun yang setimpal kepada sesiapa yang didapati melakukan sebarang aktiviti yang melibatkan kerosakan harta benda awam. Individu yang didapati bersalah melakukan perbuatan laku musnah ini perlulah melakukan kerja-kerja kebajikan kepada masyarakat seperti menyapu sampah dan membersihkan tandas awam dan taman-taman permainan. Natijahnya, sudah pasti gejala vandalisme akan dapat diatasi dengan penguatkuasaan undang-undang yang tegas oleh pihak berwajib.

        Kesimpulannya, semua pihak perlu berganding bahu dan mengerah keringat untuk bersama-sama memerangi gejala vandalisme ini. Walaupun isu ini dilihat tidaklah terlalu teruk, tetapi ingatlah bahawa ia dapat memberi impak yang besar kepada negara. Sekiranya semua kemuahan awam kita tidak boleh digunakan atau diconteng, maka di manakah kita hendak meletakkan air muka kita. Imej negara yang bersih hanya akan tinggal kenangan sahaja. Ayuhlah kita bertindak segera untuk ‘memerangi’ gejala ini dan ingatlah , ‘jangan sudah terhantuk barulah nak terngadah’.

BERITA - Deretan rumah mengalami kebakaran

PASIR GUDANG, 1 Ogos - Kerugian dianggarkan kira - kira RM1 juta dalam satu kebakaran yang memusnahkan sederat rumah sewa di Kampung Gelam, lewat malam semalam. Namun, tiada kemalangan jiwa yang dilaporkan.

     Dalam kebakaran itu, mangsa - mangsa yang terlibat dikatakan sedang nyenyak tidur. Kebakaran itu hanya disedari oleh salah seorang penduduk kampung yang baru pulang dari tempat kerja. Ketika itu, kebakaran baru bermula di dinding bilik rumah yang terletak di bahagian hujung deretan rumah papan itu. Penghuni rumah itu tiada di rumah kerana keluar menonton wayang..

     Setelah dikejutkan, mangsa - mangsa bergegas keluar menyelamatkan diri serta harta benda yang sempat mereka bawa. Penduduk kampung bersama - sama berusaha memadamkan kebakaran. Malangnya, tekanan air yang rendah dan ketiadaan pili bomba menghalang usaha mereka.

     Pihak bomba yang dihubungi hanya tiba di kawasan setengah jam kemudian. Pada ketika itu hampir keseluruhan deretan rumah itu telah musnah dijilat api. Antara barangan yang dapat diselamatkan ialah peti televisyen, pakaian serta dokumen- dokumen penting. Tiada kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan.

     Hasil siasatan awal menunjukkan kebakaran tersebut berpunca daripada nyalaan ubat nyamuk yang telah membakar kelambu bilik tidur rumah setelah penghuninya keluar pada malam tersebut. Pihak polis telah bertindak dengan menahan penghuni rumah tersebut untuk disoal siasat.

     Buat sementara ini, mangsa kebakaran ditempatkan di Dewan Masyarakat Seri Mahkota Bantuan berupa makanan, pakaian, dan buku sekolah telah diserahkan kepada lapan keluarga yang malang itu oleh Wakil Rakyat Bahagian Pasir Gudang, Datuk Aziz Roslan. Beliau berjanji akan memastikan rumah mangsa - mangsa itu akan dibina dengan secepat mungkin agar mereka semua dapat menyambut bulan Ramadan yang bakal menjelang tidak berapa lama lagi. "Kami akan berusaha mendapatkan bantuan sebanyak mungkin bagi meringankan beban mereka yang terlibat," tambah beliau lagi.....

Mathematics Chapter 1 - Directed Numbers

  •  Numbers are said to be directed by the sign they have in front of them. Some examples are -3, +4, -7, +5 and so on.
  • It should be noted that positively signed numbers are normally written without the + sign in front. Therefore +4 is written as 4, +131 is written as 131.
  • To understand directed numbers, always keep in mind the following simplenumber scale:

  • Always start from 0, then if you have a positive number always move to the right in steps equal to the number (for example +4: start from 0 and move 4 steps to the right). Similarly, always move to the left for negative numbers.
  •  When it comes to multiplying directed numbers, the signs must be considered  first and then the numbers. 
    • For example -3 x -4 is worked in 2 steps. First multiply the signs - x - and you get a +. Then multiply the numbers and you get 12.

    • When dividing signed numbers similar signs cancel out and give a + sign to the result. Different signs always give a sign.


    ADD a POSITIVE means ADD                               + +3 = + 3
    ADD a NEGATIVE means SUBTRACT               + -3 = - 3
    SUBTRACT a POSITIVE means SUBTRACT    - +3 = - 3
    SUBTRACT a NEGATIVE means ADD                - 3 = + 3


      1. Biodiversity is important to maintain balance in nature.
      2. The existence of various living things beautifies the environment.
      3. They help to maintain a constant composition of the gases in the air.
      4. The variety of plants are the sources of  food.
      5. The plants are also the habitats for many living things.
       6. Man depends on plants and animals for foof, clothes and building materials.

      Classification of plants

      1. Plants are divided into two main groups :
      • Flowering plants ( plants that produce flowers )
      • Non-flowering plants ( plants that do not have produce flowers ) 
      2. Flowering plants are divided again into monocotyledons and dicotyledons
      3. The table compares the dicotyledons and the monocotyledons

      ·         The seeds have only one cotyledon
      ·         The seeds have two cotyledons
      ·         They have parallel-veined leaves
      ·         They have net-veined leaves
      ·         They have a fibrous root system
      ·         They have a tap root system
      ·         They have non-woody stem
      ·         They have woody stem
      ·         Examples: wild grass,orchid plant, maize, sugar cane, palm tree and paddy
      ·         Examples: rose tree, bougainvillea, angsana tree, balsam plant and guava tree






      4. The non-flowering plants do not produce flowets. They produce spores in order to reproduce
      5. Non-flowering plants are divided into three main groups :
      • mosses
      • ferns
      • conifers

      a.       Mosses
      ·         Do not have real leaves, stems and roots
      ·         Have chlorophyll
      ·         Grow in damp areas
      ·         Reproduction by spores
      b.      Ferns
      ·         Have leaves, stems and roots
      ·         Have chlorophyll
      ·         Spores are formed at the back of the leaves
      ·         Grow in damp and shady areas
      c.       Conifers
      ·         Have roots, stems and needle-like leaves
      ·         Have chlorophyll
      ·         They produce cones. They reproduce by seeds produced in the cones.







      Digital Cameras Essay

                Throughout the ages humanity has always been fascinated by the possibility of “capturing moments” or in other words perpetuating moments of high significance and outstanding beauty. This provided the opportunity to share something that nobody else has seen or perceived. This idea has made a long way from canvas-paintings to using cameras. Cameras, in their turn have also experienced a rather fast evolution and nowadays everybody has a notion of what a digital camera is and the majority of people use digital cameras.

               According to a standard definition a digital camera is “…opposed to a film or video camera, uses an electronic sensor to transform images and video into electronic data”[1]. Years ago people used to possess two different devices in order to take pictures and to make video. The need to spare space and make it more comfortable for people to do both things with higher quality results catalyzed the creation of digital cameras. The multifunctionalism of digital cameras and the combination of several devices in one make it the best possible choice for a modern man. For years a digital camera has been unaffordable for many families, nevertheless, nowadays the great variety of digital cameras of different manufacturers and diverse prices make a digital camera a potential purchase of almost every single family. The formula: price + quality = satisfied customer used by the digital cameras manufacturers is especially reflected in the wide choice of cameras that offer the best quality standards for the price-range they belong to.

               The transition of digital photography from the privilege of rich people to an ordinary home appliance has caused some problems. That is the reason a modern man has a set of questions concerning digital cameras, especially the what’s, why’s and where’s of digital cameras. Nobody wants to make a “miscalculation”! The basic problem in choosing a digital camera is a “guarantee” that the device you are purchasing will “grow old” in couple of month due to a constant improvement and development of the sphere. The only factor that may delay this process of “growing old” is purchasing a device with the price twice or three times higher of the average market price for a digital camera at the moment. If a person chooses a digital camera there are several criterions of a great priority he needs to keep in mind: price of the device, the image resolution of the camera, the capacity of the memory card, presence of a LCD-display, the interface of the camera, its weight and size. The price of a digital camera depends on its quality factors. The resolution of a digital camera, or in other words the “size of a digital image” is measured in pixels. Pixels in their turn are photosensitive elements. It is common knowledge, that the bigger is the amount of pixels indicated in the camera properties the better it is. Therefore, if a high-detailed photo is required, the usage of zoom on a digital camera with small resolution will not give the desired result. In this case a person choosing a digital camera needs to exactly know what it will be used for and to choose it according to its future destination. It is necessary to mention that the resolution of 640"x"480 is the lowest resolution any customer should be orientated to. It is the minimal resolution with witch the purchase of a digital camera still remains reasonable. The lens of the camera or “the zoom properties” mentioned above allows saving a lot on the price of the device but hits the quality of the pictures obtained. The memory card is a very important issue, too. It is much better to choose a better camera with a lesser memory capacity than an overage digital camera with a larger memory capacity. The presence of the LCD-display is no longer a “wish” it is a requirement for any digital camera. It allows to choose the future image, to anticipate it and to delete bad images and therefore to save space.

                      Along with some advantages mentioned above there are more to digital cameras than that. It goes without saying that it is possible to examine and sort out the images, create a slide show, a digital photo album, create a presentation on your computer, a ordinary TV or a multimedia projector. A digital camera offers the ability of sending images for printing directly to the printer with a DPOF standard or throughout the USB without using the computer. The images from the digital cameras may be sent throughout the Internet. For instance, it is possible to send images to colleagues, friends or relatives using e-mail. In the era of the constant lack of time this advantages become issues of the highest priority.

      Effects of alcohol on the human body

      Humanity has always yielded to the pressure of different chemical substances that eventually caused it irreparable damage. Finding the “cure” from the damage obtained was the next step. And it seems that only now, when the number of the diseases caused by different substances has reached its peak, people have finally understood that the best “cure” is the prevention of any forms of substance abuse.
      Alcohol is not the last one in the list of these destructive substances. It is the “companion” of any significant event occurring in the life of modern people or even an everyday way to relax and get away from all the difficulties. People relax and forget that they are supposed to think not only about their health but also about the health of the people around them. This especially concerns women, as they are the ones to deliver the next generation into the world. A woman’s organism is a lot more influenced by any external chemical influences and alcohol becoming woman’s frequent “companion” becomes a real threat for the health of the nation.
      The contemporary medical world is very much concerned with the female alcohol abuse phenomenon and the appearance of a group of inclinations that both female and male abusers experience. Alcohol abuse is the giant problem, which needs to be fixed desperately. It is very important to understand its nature and the possible effects that it can make to the human body.

      The “disabilities” caused by alcohol last a lifetime and therefore completely change the life of any person and those people who will take care of him. Some people start being exposed to alcohol during their fetal development and therefore suffer throughout their whole lives sometimes not even having a small hope to find their places in the world and not being even “comparatively” independent. They cannot concentrate, talk too much and are not capable of making proper decisions. Such people are completely helpless and unprotected. The outcomes of alcohol abuse for the body are severe.
      Alcohol or sometimes called ethanol is a volatile liquid can easily burn oxidizes and is composed of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon, having the formula of C2H5OH. Alcohol influenced the whole human body, even including the central nervous system and the brain of a man.
      After the process of drinking alcohol people start feeling pleasure and more open to the outer world. Nevertheless, even though the person feels comfortable and more self-confident the most dangerous thing is often forgotten – alcohol’s side effects. If a person drinks large amounts of alcohol in a very small period of time it may result in the person’s brain being suppressed by the chemicals and lead to a fatality. If the amount of alcohol in a human body is exceeding a person can die in his sleep, because the body will not have enough resources to cope with the suppression. It is also extremely dangerous to combine alcohol with other chemical substances.

      The changes that occur in the human organism for the reason of alcohol abuse are terrible. The whole body is damaged and the person stops being able to either move and think properly.
      The effect of alcohol throughout the period of human’s life is immense and even the lesser amount of alcohol may cause some changes. These destructive processes, which occur inside the organism, cause irreparable damage that it made on the genetic level. Even “social drinking” causes changes in intellectual and behavior activity of children [2]. Heavy abuse, causing disorders has nowadays become unbelievably widespread. All this changes throughout the period the development of the alcohol dependency cause mental disabilities and severe changes in the human body.

      Very often it is said that alcohol heavy drinkers look the same. This happens because in the first place all of them experience problems with their skin. As the vessels of the skin widen, the blood flow to the person’s face become more intensive. This is the reason people who drink alcohol have a flushed skin color and constantly feel that they are hot. Alcohol also often causes serious weight problem.
      As a fact, alcohol prevents people from consuming healthy food on a regular basis and it direct influences the heart of a drinker. This is one of the primary reasons why people who prefer to drink alcohol can experience a heart failure. Another part of the body that is directly damaged by alcohol is the liver. This is primarily due to the fact that it is liver that works the most to “clean” the organism from the chemicals in alcohol. When alcohol get to the blood of a person rather often, the blood in its turn damages the process of functioning of the liver cells and some of them start dying. The majority of people do not keep in mind the fact that even a one-time alcohol abuse makes the liver cells die, but it is the body of the person, who is not an alcohol heavy drinker, still has time to recuperate from the damage. In case the person drinks alcohol on a regular base the liver becomes weaker and weaker from day to day.
      One other important physical sphere that is seriously damaged is the reproductive system of a human body. The reason of this type of dysfunction is that alcohol deprives the impulses that the nerves pass, and especially those that cause ability to erect, as for men. Women alcohol abuse it on of the first to be prevented as the fetus changes negatively and a lot of disabled children are born into to the world. Females metabolize alcohol very quickly and this is the primary cause of their necessity to abstain from alcohol. The fetus is already in high danger of obtaining FAS if the pregnant female consumes around 3 ounces of pure alcohol per day1[1]. Alcohol does not need to make much efforts to cross the placenta and therefore to enter the fetus’s organism. Alcohol may cause spasm of placenta vessels and the umbilical cord. This leads to the oxygen “starvation” of the fetus. As the amount of zinc in the cells is rapidly reduced their growth and development is damaged. Through these effects alcohol causes changes called “mutations” in the DNA of the fetus cells. In its turn, the mutation of DNA in the fetus cells leads to pathologies of the development of different organs and tissues [6].
      Alcohol also influences the person’s ability to perceive sounds and the direction they are coming out from. The taste and smell are lost and the speech becomes unclear. As alcohol constantly burns the throat of the drinker in may result in severe pain, vomiting and even cancer. The body itself starts being very weak, the muscles suffer from atrophy, pain and spasms

      Thankfull letter to the ex-teacher Essay

      Dear _________________
      Education is very important for me. And I tried my best to improve my results. But it would have not been complete if it were not for the knowledge I got from your class. The variety of cognitions that I received will definitely make me a more intelligent and broad person. You help your students to spread their outlook, make it wide and therefore unusual, which will make their personalities mature and interesting. I think that the ability of teaching is a gift that is given to not so many people. I am very glad that a person that has it taught me. I think that all of your students are happy that one day you followed your calling and became a teacher.
      Owing to your professionalism I learned a lot. Being your ordinary student I just want to give you the recognition that you deserve for what you are giving. I wish you to have attentive and supportive students that will make you feel nice and proud.
      The knowledge you are giving is important for young people. I hope that a lot more students will get the opportunity to receive it. I appreciate a lot your input into what is a part of my intelligence now. Thank you so much for what you are bringing to your students and personally me. I wish my kids to have a teacher like you and get what I got.
      It was a real pleasure to be in your class.
      Thank you so much.

      Educational psychology: Content and predictive validity Essay

      Content validity outlines the straight correspondence of the contents of the test tasks to the trait or particularity that is measured. It is an “inspection” of the content of the test made in order to determinate this correspondence. To make the content validity high the test is required to “embrace” all the aspects of the phenomena under study in the right proportion. Predictive validity works on the possibility to  “judge” the aspect of the behavior the psychologist is particularly interested in a client according to the results of the test. In order to define this validity in the process of test-execution it is necessary to correlate the contents of the test to the criterions it is supposed to predict theoretically.  In different cases this validities may substitute each other. For instance, we can use it in case of working with a test that deals with the examination of a wide range of characteristics similar to MMPI.
      As we need to define the test’s ability to measure every single trait it is supposed to measure, the correct choice of the target group and so on this type of validity becomes the best solution. In other words it may be used in order to determine the correspondence of the test to the name it carries and the trait it measures. This type of validity deals with observable constructs and is one of the widespread validities due to its effectiveness in eliminating non- eligible tests. Predictive validity comes into play when it is necessary to theorize. For instance, it possible to claim that a measure of creative ability should be able to predict how well a man will do in an art-based profession. The scores should correlate with the salaries these people get paid. Therefore a high correlation means that this test can correctly predict what it theoretically should have the possibility to predict. Or for example, a measure in math ability may predict high performance of a worker on a math-based job and so on. In these cases predictive validity will be more important than content validity due to the peculiarity of the situation or in other words the unobservability of the construct that it is intended to measure.
      Therefore, it is impossible to say that either content validity or predictive validity is more or less important. The choice made is completely based on the measured construct and its nature.Nevertheless, both of them provide information about the validity of the inferences and the predictions made on the bases of the test results.


      Square root.

      a square root of a number x is a number r such that r2 = x, or, in other words, a number r whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or r × r) is x.

      Classification of living things

      1. Living things are clasiffied into animals and plants.
      2. Animals are clasiffied ionto two big groups :
      •     Vertebrates ( animals with backbones )
      •     Invertebrates ( animals without backbones )
      3. Vertebrates are clasiffied into five smaller groups :
      • mammals
      • fish
      • birds
      • amphibians
      • reptiles

      a)      Mammals
      ·         Warm-blooded
      ·         Body is covered with hair or fur
      ·         Breathe through lungs
      ·         Give birth to young alive ( except platypus and ant-eater )
      ·         Females have mammary glands and feed to young ones with milk
      ·         Have a pair of external ears
      b)      Fish
      ·         Cold-blooded
      ·         Body is covered with scales
      ·         Breathe by using gills
      ·         Most of them lay eggs are fertilised externally
      ·         Have fins and swim bladders to help them to swim
      c)       Birds
      ·         Warm-blooded
      ·         Body is covered with feathers
      ·         Breathe through lungs
      ·         Lay eggs with shells
      ·         Have beaks and scaly legs
      ·         Have wings and most of them can fly
      d)      Amphibians
      ·         Cold-blooded
      ·         Body is covered with moist skin
      ·         Adults breathe by using lungs or the skin. The young ones breathe through gills.
      ·         Lay eggs without shells in water and the eggs are fertilised externally
      ·         Can live on land or in water
      e)      Reptiles
      ·         Cold-blooded
      ·         Body is covered with dry, tough and scaly skin
      ·         Breathe through lungs
      ·         Lay eggs with thick shells
      ·         Most of them live on land

      5. Invertebrates

      • Invertebrates are animals without backbones.
      • Most of the invertebrates are small in size.
      • Their bodies are supported by body fluid and hard exoskeletons. Examples of invertebrates are cockroaches, earthworms and spider.


      • MAMMALS
      • FISH

      • BIRDS



      • REPTILES




          3.1 Variety of living organisms and their classification

          1. Living things include human beings,animals and plants.
          2. There are many different types of plants and animals in the world.
          3. They differ from each other in many ways. This is called the biodiversity.
          4. The biodiversity is due to the organisms adapting themselves to live in different habitats and different environments.
          5. A habitat is a place where plants and animals live.

          Tigers, monkeys, trees, elephants
                                          Camels and cacti
                                          Whale, fish and seaweeds
                                          Earthworms, ants and fungi


          Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet. Biodiversity is a measure of the health of ecosystems. Greater biodiversity implies greater health. Biodiversity is in part a function of climate. In terrestrial habitats, tropical regions are typically rich whereas polar regions support fewer species.
          Rapid environmental changes typically cause extinctions. One estimate is that less than 1% of the species that have existed on Earth are extant.[1]
          Since life began on Earth, five major mass extinctions and several minor events have led to large and sudden drops in biodiversity. The Phanerozoic eon (the last 540 million years) marked a rapid growth in biodiversity via the Cambrian explosion—a period during which nearly every phylum of multicellular organisms first appeared. The next 400 million years included repeated, massive biodiversity losses classified as mass extinction events. In the Carboniferous, rainforest collapse led to a great loss of plant and animal life.[2] The Permian–Triassic extinction event, 251 million years ago, was the worst; vertebrate recovery took 30 million years.[3] The most recent, the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event, occurred 65 million years ago, and has often attracted more attention than others because it resulted in the extinction of the non-avian dinosaurs.[4]
          The period since the emergence of humans has displayed an ongoing biodiversity reduction and an accompanying loss of genetic diversity. Named the Holocene extinction, the reduction is caused primarily by human impacts, particularly habitat destruction. Biodiversity's impact on human health is a major international issue.[citation needed]



          Argumentative Essay - Indulging In Sports and Games

                    Some people think that sports and games are unimportant activities that some people engage in when they have nothing else to do. But, in fact, sports and games are important, especially for people who work with their brains for most of the day.

                    Sports and games are good for our health. They keep our bodies strong and prevent us from getting overweight. Since our bodies need exercise, this is a pleasant and enjoyable way of  exercising.

                    Besides this, games instil positive lessons such as discipline, team spirit and co-operation. Students learn to be persistent and not to give up easily. They also learn leadership qualities. All these qualities are good and will help to produce a more well-rounded personality.

                    When students take part in sports and games, they learn how to interact with other people. During inter-school games, they not only mix with students from their school but also with students from other schools. This is healthy way of socialising.

                    Some students who are not good academically do very well in sports and games. This provide them with an oppurtunity to excel and thus enchance their own image, as well as the image of their school. They will feel more confident of themselves as they know they are good at something.

                   Therefore, it is very clear that sports and games are good for us and all students should be encouraged to take part in them.


          PERIBAHASA - Genggam bara api biar sampai jadi arang

          "Genggam bara api biar sampai jadi arang" bermaksud membuat pekerjaan dengan susah, hendaklah sabar sehingga mencapai kejayaan. Peribahasa ini bertentangan dengan satu lagi peribahasa berbunyi hangat - hangat tahi ayam. Peribahasa ini merupakan satu nasihat yang amat baik untuk mereka yang ingin mencapai kejayaan dalam hidupnya.

               Salah satu contoh dalam hidup kita yang perlukan nasihat yang sedemikian ialah semasa menerima pendidikan di sekolah. Tidak kira sama ada kita berada di sekolah rendah , di sekolah menengah atau di universiti. Apabila didapati ada mata pelajaran yang susah, kita haruslah bersabar dan terus  berusaha sehingga mata pelajaran yang pada mulanya susah itu kita fahami akhirnya.

               Aku masih ingat lagi, Radin, iaitu rakan sekelasku semasa kami berada di tahun 6 beberapa tahun yang lalu. Pada awal tahun, dia tidak pernah lulus dalam semua ujian matematiknya. namun demikian, dia sering mengingatkan dirinya supaya bersabar. Langkah yang seterusnya, dia telah memperuntukkan masa selama sejam sehari untuk membuat ulangkaji matematik sahaja. Di samping selalu bertanyakan guru matematiknya, Radin sering berbincang denganku soalan - soalan yang tidak difahaminya.

               Sifat sabar dan rajin berusaha Radin telah membuahkan hasil pada akhirnya. Dalam peperiksaan PMR pada tahun yang sama, dia telah memperolehi gred A dalam matematik. Kisah benar Radin ini membuktikan dalam hidup ini kita harus mengamalkan semangat genggam bara api biar sampai jadi arang.